Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Baby Irving's Shower

     Sunday was my best friend's, Jessica Irving's, baby shower! It was such an exciting day for everyone there. We all have prayed so much for her, and was so thankful that she has made it to 34 weeks (so far)! To read more about her story check out an earlier post of mine HERE


     I had an amazing time, and her family made the area so beautiful! I loved all the decorations and was shocked to learn that the ladies hand made almost all of them! The cupcakes were made to look like they were on trees, and there was a GIANT letter "B" (for baby) that was make out of pink flowers. I could tell that her family put a lot of time and effort in to giving Jess the best shower that they could!

Jessica's sister-in-law had a short devotional for Jess (and Nick), followed by a time of prayer. It was funny, yet serious at the same time. She used objects to represent the importance of leading your children to Christ, and being a guide for their spiritual lives.


      Above all else, I have to share that Jess and Nick's life and endurance through life's battles have been a huge inspiration and pillar of faithfulness to my husband and me. Last fall, I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), which has caused fertility issues for us. Watching Nick and Jess handle all the loss they've had to endure has shown me that God's timing is always perfect, and that He is with us as we patiently wait for the desires of our heart.

I am so blessed to call you both friends! I hope you enjoy the moments I've captured for you!
With all my love,
Aly Owen

For more captured moments check out my Facebook Page, Aly Owen Photography!

Thursday, July 16, 2015


I am so excited to announce that I will soon have business cards. I spent a lot of time designing a logo that would be perfect for me, and I think that I have perfected it!!!

What do you all think of them?!?!?!

I also wanted to share with you that I have decided to add a little bit more about myself on this blog, and I hope that you all enjoy learning a little bit more about me. :)

Today I got hit with a brilliantly creative idea that I can't wait to share, but for now it has to stay a secrete... shhh. 

With all my Love,
Aly Owen