Sunday, August 2, 2015

Maddie & Max

          For the last couple of summers I have had the honor of being able to spend time with my second cousins, Madeline and Max, when they come to visit their grandma (my aunt) in Omaha. I have enjoyed watching them grow (and grow and grow and grow) over the years. I have enjoyed teaching them card games and watching them mature. This year was pretty special because they were finally able to meet my step-sons, David and Kaleb. It was funny to watch how awkward they were with one another at first, but they finally warmed up to each other. 

          Spending time with Maddie feels so special because I know that these years will fly by so fast. She is a normal Middle School girl who worries about what other people may say or think, but as I listened to her talk I kept wondering why she worries. She is so smart, beautiful, and caring.  I don't see how anyone could not love her.


          Max was the first baby whose diaper I changed... I put it on backwards. Now, he is a spunky eleven year old. My boys had a great time playing in the pool and gaming with him. Max is a typical care free boy who just wants to play! Surprisingly enough, he had a lot of great posing ideas for our shoot, one of which he held hands with Maddie. #adorable 


 They may bicker and get on each other's nerves sometimes, but I could see how much Maddie and Max love each other. One of the closest relationships a person can have are with their siblings. Before we did the photo shoot Maddie asked me ways to make Max laugh. She wanted to make sure I got real laughs and smiles. I did the very best I could, and I stand by the fact that if a person is uncomfortable in front of the camera it will show. For the most part Maddie and Max seemed pretty at ease with getting their photos taken. 


 (Like any good big sister, Maddie was trying her best to tickle and tackle Max)

 (Max really... really... wanted the last photo to be of them looking out into the sunset... Under the bridge. This is our compromise. lol)

          Madeline and Max, thank you for a wonderful night of photos! Aunt Kathy, thank you for thinking of me, speaking life into my life, and believing in my talent! Ryan and Erin, thank you for having such beautiful children who were a joy to work with. I love you all! 
-Aly Owen-

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